Mentions legal


1. Presentation of the site


The first version of the article was November 2004-575 on June 21, 2004 for the confinement of the economic system, which is available to users of the site l ‘Identity of different intervenors in the realization cadre and on their own:


Proprietaire: Michaël Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud

Creator: Michaël Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud

Responsible publication: Michaël Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud
Webmaster: Michaël Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud
Hébergeur: Société OVH Social Council: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix, France Tel. +33 (0)8 99 70 17 61

Credits: Photographie Unsplash



2. Conditions for general use of the site and proposed services


The use of the site “” includes the acceptance plans and other general conditions of use on early days. These usage conditions are sensitive to modifications or components at the same time, users of the site “” may be invited to consult a manufacturer.

This site is normal accessible to all users. One interruption to raise the maintenance technique may be detected by the site, it cannot be imported.

3. Description of services provided

The site of the 5th element ski school provides information about services provided by Michael Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud in the profession of ski supervisory staff. Professional card delivered to the DDCS in Haute Savoie:

City administrative

7, Rue Dupanloup

74040 Annecy Cedex

Michaël Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud are most effective at the site “” as much information as possible. To be sure, none of these people are responsible for omissions, inexhaustible situations, or accidents during the day, as they are the source of the loss or the cost of the other parts of the world with four hundred percent of the information. All the information indicated on the site “” may not be very informative, and is sensitive to development. For their part, the figures on the site “5th element ski school” are not exhausted. They also don’t want to reserve any modifications that come with their permissions in the line.


4. Limitations contractuelles on données techniques

The site uses the technology wordpress. The Internet site is not responsible for the use of the site. In addition, the site’s user interfaces with the site using a recent material, not containing any virus and unnavigating the next generation.

5. Intellectual property, contributions and conflicts

Michaël Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud are the intellectual property owners or the users who use all the elements accessible on the site, noting the texts, images, graphisms, logos, icons, sons, logics.

All reproduction, représentation, modification, publication, adaptation from all or part of the elements of the site, whether the site or the production used, is included, with original original creation from: Michaël Geslin, Morgan Basset or Arthur Arnaud.

Toute exploitation non autorisée du site ou de l’un quelconque des éléments qu’il content sera considérée as a constitutive d’une contrefaçon et pour conformément aux dispositions des articles L.335-2 et suivants du Code de Propriété Intellectuelle.


6. Limitations of responses

Michaël Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud are not responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by the user’s material, from the site at “” and resulting from it. The use of the material is not responsive to the specifications indicated at point 4, so it is suitable for a bug or incompatibility.

Michael Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud are not responsible for any direct referrals (example: one of the marches or one of the chances) for use of the site « “


The interactive spaces (possible to ask questions in the “Contact” space) are used by the users. Michaël Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud will reserve the upper layer, without misuse of the previous size, all contents will be placed in a space that supports the applicable luggage in France, in specific areas of land protection. The master, Michael Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud have used the possibility of meeting the cause of civil responsibility and/or the use of the user, noting in the case of the message a racist caractere, injury, disgrace, or pornography, as What can the support use (text, photograph…).

This happens when the engagements are determined at the point of contact information in the notification when the security fails and does not occur as a result of a failure or response time in the accident question.



7. Gestion of personal donations


In France, the personnel don’t have any protection from the loi no. 78-87 on January 6, 1978, no. 2004-801 on august 6, 2004, under Article L. 226-13 of the Code and the European Directive. 24 october 1995.

A l’occasion of l’utilisation of the site « » peuvent êtres recueillies:


• The URL of the lien by the intermediary uses it to access the site “”

• The user’s provider, the Internet (IP) protocol address of the user.


This all causes the site « » to collect information about personnel and relatives from the user that may provide certain services provided by the site « www.5th-element-ski- » . It is also possible to use the site “” for obligation or other information.


7.1 Types of donation collections


• No, number, phone number;

• Email;

• IP address, the provider’s address;

7.2 Droit d’accès, rectification and opposition

Conformation of customizations of articles 38 and those available on January 6, 1788, 1978 relative to the information, all files and libertés, all users have access to the documents, rectification and placement of personnel files. The concern, in effect, requires a copy and a sign, including a copy of the titre’s identity with a signature on the picture’s title, and the address for the answer must be sent.

You can also object to your navigation on this site. This protects your private life, it also applies to your actions and creates a better experience for you and other users.

7.3. Communication from personnel to the tiers.

Aucune information for personnel from the user on the site “” is not published at the user’s insu, change, transfer, cédée or place on a support network at the tiers. The location of the vehicle at “” and other sites allows the transmission of information to the event that will be included in the tour ten days after the conservation and modification obligations. Donates visit the user’s website «»


Michaël Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud are responsible for transferring the employee donation to the European Union.


7.4. Responsible for collecting donations.

Responsible for the treatment of personal donations by Michael Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud.


7.5. Indications when security fails on the site’s property.

We also participate in meeting all the measuring techniques and organizations that apply to guarantee a security adaption system in view of the risks of accidents, non-automatic or ill, divulgation, damage, perforation or damage. Données personnelles you concernant. Our events or our prendres connected to ill-egal access to données of personnel concerned with stock on our servers or on our prestataries, or non-automatic access to ensure the realization of risks identified by us, our people are engaged à:

• You notice the incident in the most recent news;

• Examine the causes of the incident and inform you;

• Prepare necessary measures in the raisonnable limit to prevent negative effects and prevent any accident.

The donation bases are protected by the location options of July 1, 1998, corresponding to Directive 96/9 on March 11, 1996, relative to the

Protect your donkey bases.

This happens when the engagements are determined at the point of contact information in the notification when the security fails and does not occur as a result of a failure or response time in the accident question.


8. Liens hypertexts and cookies

The site “” contains a certain number of hypertexts on other sites, misplaced with the automation of Michaël Geslin, Morgan Basset and Arthur Arnaud. However, it is not possible to verify the content of the sites once you visit them, and it is not possible to assume responsibility for this failure.


The navigation on the site “” is sensitive to the installation of cookies on the user’s ordinateur.

This cookie is a petite file that does not allow user identification, but it can register your relatives’ information in the navigation.
d’un ordinateur sur un site. Donnies also have to make it easier for you to navigate through the site, and you’ll also be invited to the site.
Various frequentation measures.


Conforming to the recommendations of the CNIL, the maximum period of preservation of cookies is 13 April at maximum after the first launch in the Utilizer terminal, as well as the duration of the validity of the User’s consent to their use. ces cookies.
The duration of the cookies does not last long until you visit. The user’s consent to the device has been opened to this issue.


The installation process of a cookie may enter into the possibility of accessing certain services.



9. Droit applicable and attribution of juridiction

This connection is based on the use of the site “” which is located in French. There are many contests for the validity, the interpretation and/or the execution of the previous legal notices at the port of the French tribunal.

10. The principals who are concerned

• November 17, 78 on January 6, 1978, no modifications were made by November 2004, January 6, 2004, relative to the information, other files and other libertés.

• Loi n° 2004-575 on June 21, 2004 for the confiance of the economic system.